Booklets introducing the SKY WAY project were updated

We are presenting the updated SkyWay technology presentation in the print format. From the new booklet, you will get to know the latest developments of SkyWay in the areas of urban, inter-city, high-speed and freight transport. In the presentation, you will find...

World news: space tourism, waste processing and production robots

The SkyWay Information Service has prepared a selection of major environmental, technology and transport news. Boeing will invest millions of dollars in space tourism Gaining momentum of a new speed record in Kalahari Used car batteries to charge an electrical network...

SKY WAY EcoTechnoPark website was updated

The new version of the SkyWay EcoTechnoPark test and demonstration center’s web-site is launched. On the updated site you can discover the history of creating the test and demonstration center of SkyWay technology, but also make a virtual tour of its locations....